What Is a Long Tail Keyword Tool?

what is a long tail keyword tool featured image

In this article, I am going to explain what is a long tail keyword tool, why you need one, and what are some of the best long-tail keyword tools out there that will help you uncover laser-targeted keyword ideas that bring results.

One of the best ways to help your site get hits and traffic is through the use of search engine optimization, or SEO.

Doing this often requires the use of some keywords. Usually, the keywords used are quite vague and consist of only a word or two, making them too broad.

Targeting one or two words in length keywords will make your life extremely difficult in trying to outrank the competition already ranking for these keywords.

This is due to the highly competitive nature of these keywords and the higher possibility that other sites will show up alongside yours when searching for something more general.

Long tail keywords are different, and in this article, we’ll tell you all about long-tail keywords and long-tail keyword tools that will help you find keywords for your products and services that you can rank for.

We will also look at a few of the most popular long-tail keyword tools available for use today.

What Are Long Tail Keywords?

As their name might suggest, a long tail keyword is one that is longer in form than typical seed keywords, which are long-reaching and quite vague.

These are typically short words and phrases that your potential buyer may be looking up when they are sure about what it is they want to buy and just need to find the product.

Because of the more natural phrasing of longtail keywords, they are also more commonly searched for in voice search than the alternatives.

Since long tail keywords are much more specific than simple seed keywords and usually consist of a minimum of four words, those searching for the terms are more likely to make a meaningful engagement with the site.

In so doing, the traffic you pull in from long tail keywords will typically be more profitable than the traffic brought in with broader terms.

Though you may notice that you get fewer hits from these keywords, you will quickly see that it is a case of quality over quantity.

Long Tail Keywords Examples

To help you better understand what long tail keywords are, I am going to lay down some examples. The examples are separated into different business categories.


Keyword: ”Car Insurance”

Long Tail Keyword: ”Car Insurance for Young Drivers” or ”Car Insurance for College Students”


Keyword: ”Divorce Lawyer”

Long Tail Keyword: ”Divorce Lawyer for Low Income” or ”Divorce Lawyer for Men”


Keyword: How to start a blog

Long Tail Keyword: how to start a blog with google adsense

Web Development Agency

Keyword: website development

Long Tail Keyword: website development for real estate

Fashion Online Shop

Keyword: jackets for women

Long Tail Keyword: black smart jackets for women

I think you get the point. Let me know if you would like me to add more Long tail keywords examples.

Case Studies

Everything from Amazon to smaller companies use long tail keywords to bring in organic traffic. Since your main competition will likely be the behemoths like Amazon, we will look at them as an example.

Amazon incorporates long tail keywords into their titles more often than not. You’ll notice on the site that their titles aren’t just one or two words and often don’t consist of just the brand and title.

In this way, when a potential buyer is looking for specific products to use, instead of just searching “headphones,” for example, they are more likely to search for “noise canceling over the ear headphones” or “wireless Bluetooth headphones for sleeping.”

If the headphones you’re selling have these as titles or in the bullet points, those are going to show up before a simple search with “headphones” that will show a broader assortment of the competition’s prices.

Some other sites like River Pools and Spas used long tail keywords to their advantage by using them on blog posts to answer questions their customers commonly had.

By making these keywords the subheadings or even titles on their blog, when the customers googled them to find the answer, their page was what showed up. In this way, they generated more than two million dollars in sales from one single blog post.

What Is a Long Tail Keyword Tool?

Now that you understand what long tail keywords are, it’s no wonder that so many people are interested in using them.

Finding which long tail keywords are the best for you is the next step, and it is one that should not simply be guessed at.

Instead of deciding what you think these keywords might be for your specific niche, you can instead use a long tail keyword tool that will find data-backed keywords.

Long tail keyword tools take the guesswork out and help you get more meaningful results.

They will provide you with a long list of keywords that are commonly being searched in your niche, the number of searches that occurred every month for that specific keyword, and easy to understand data to understand if it easy to rank for that keyword or not.

Using Google Search does provide long tail keyword ideas but it does not provide information such as the number of searches each month or how easy it is to rank for that long tail keyword you are eyeing.

What Is a Long Tail Keyword Tool?
– Screenshot of using Google’s search bar

All you have to do to begin using these services is to simply type in a shorter “seed” keyword for your category for the service to spin-off long tail keywords for you.

The best Long tail keyword tools out there, even take it a step further by showing you just how successful your keywords could be.

They usually do so by holding it up against several metrics for you to analyze and determine exactly which one is going to serve your needs the bet. In this way, you can cut down on the time it takes to find your keywords and get to using them more quickly.

I am sure you would hate paying up a freelance writer something between 100 – 1000 USD to produce an article only to find out later that it gets zero searches per month or that you need to compete with huge, more established websites in your niche.

What Are Some of The Best Long Tail Keyword Tools?

There are many tools out there to help you determine which long tail keywords are good for your specific needs. Some of them are more popular and commonly used such as Long Tail Pro, KwFinder and SEMRUSH.

Long Tail Pro

long tail pro

Long Tail Pro is my favorite and the one I use for uncovering long tail keywords to rank for. Long Tail Pro is among the most popular types of keyword finders due to the fact that it does far more than just set you up with some long tail keywords.

To begin, it does find relevant keywords and ones that it is confident will give you more organic hits for your website. Since the nature of long tail keywords is that you are likely to get more meaningful hits, Long Tail Pro helps you increase your sales.

As mentioned, Long Tail Pro doesn’t give you just a list of keywords and set you loose. Instead, it also helps you see what the potential impact of each keyword will be through the use of 13 different metrics.

This way, you can see just how profitable you can expect the keywords to be.

I consider Long Tail Pro to be one of the best keyword research tools available. To learn why, check my full long tail pro review here, where I break down all its features, Pros, and Cons.


What Is a Long Tail Keyword Tool?

Through KwFinder, you will be able to find high search volume long tail keywords that have a low competition rate to help your site get more hits.

It is just as helpful as Long Tail Pro, thanks to the way it provides not only precise numbers for monthly search volumes of each term, but will also show you helpful metrics to help you determine which among them are truly the best to use.

It is remarkably straightforward and easy to use, making the difficult process of analysis one that is simple to navigate. Because of its easy display, you can more quickly search out keywords and move on to getting them onto your site sooner.

It also has free Firefox and Chrome extensions so you’ll always be able to do quick research as you work and browse. The nature of KwFinder also allows you to see how beneficial those short seed keywords may be for you so you can try to work them into your site as well.


What Is a Long Tail Keyword Tool?

Semrush is another keyword research tool that does more than just find long tail keywords for you to use as well. Unlike its brothers, SEMRUSH is unique in that it has link building and site auditing tools.

With link building, you’ll get to work through a CRM style of creating backlinks, and with the auditing tools, you can work through a checklist that will show you what you can do to improve your on-page and technical SEO.

The domain analysis is famously easy to use with this particular service, as it is all laid out right in front of you in a clear and easy-to-read way. The logical and intuitive layout also makes using all of the features a breeze so you won’t get stuck.

Alongside the organic search data, it will also give you a lot of PPC data to analyze by comparing the long tail keywords to its competitors in several results that you can pull throughout the day to stay on top of it.

It only pulls data from the Google search engine and no other so that’s something to consider before committing to SEMRUSH.

Using these keyword research tools is a pretty basic process regardless of which one you choose. Simply type in the root or “seed” keyword you want to use, click search and allow the site to pull the keyword reports for you.


While you can certainly draw traffic using those shorter “seed” keywords, you will likely notice that you are getting many hits without many sales.

This is partially due to the fact that shoppers using these keywords are typically just looking to browse above all instead of being highly motivated to buy by searching for something specific.

It can also be attributed to the vagueness of the words, as it will also ping all of the competition using those low-hanging keywords.

In this article, we’ve discussed what is a long tail keyword tool and how long tail keywords can benefit your business by drawing in more meaningful results by using longer phrases and terms.

We’ve also looked at longtail keyword research tools to help you determine which one is best for your needs.

After reading, you should have a solid understanding of long tail keywords and how to make the most out of them for your business.

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