How To Retire In Your 30s: Online Investments With Quick Wins

The evolution of the online market in the last couple of years drastically developed from both a technological point of view and also from a business one. Given the fact that nowadays running a successful online business is a matter of hours in terms of setup, let’s analyse which business fields are easier to impact in order to achieve quick success.
Drop Shipping
Dropshipping has always been a significant part of the entire online business world, given the fact that, by using Shopify and Oberlo, both combined with products which are listed on Chinese websites like Aliexpress, for example, it’s possible to obtain a massive ROI with almost no efforts. Drop shipping has definitely evolved and moved towards a far more service-related approach.
This is due to the fact that the “old” way of running a drop shipping store (the one, to reference, which was indeed running Oberlo in Shopify-based sites)
Crypto Microtrading
Let’s start off by saying that cryptocurrencies are incredibly complex to understand. In fact, back when bitcoin exploded on the market back in 2016, the confusion on the blockchain matter was pretty high, and subsequently moved towards its applications within the trading world. In 2019, we can safely say that a strong development plan was applied to this: microtrading, in fact, is the most accessible way to exchange crypto values since it can be done for as little as $1.
Real Estate Drop Surfing
Since the beginning of the online-related business era, many started to point out the fact that real estate was excluded from the big picture of “highly profitable businesses which could be developed in a short timeframe”. With this in mind, in the last couple of months, we’ve seen a significant rise in what concerns online (CMS-based) portals which were developed using the drop surfing (mentioned above) strategy. Real estate does indeed apply to the online-business of things and it’s still a relatively empty (in terms of competition) field.
Digital Marketing/Online Business Development Consulting
If you’re a digital marketing expert, who knows everything about SEO, PPC and Retargeting, it should be easy for you to then apply such knowledge to other businesses. In 2019, being a consultant could guarantee you a lot of work if you are able to brand yourself, as the figure of the digital marketing executive has been the second most wanted one after the one which was related to machine learning development. The current market value for a freelance digital marketing executive fluctuates around $300 p/hour.
About Author
Paul Matthews is a Manchester based business and tech writer who writes in order to better inform business owners on how to run a successful business. He currently consults the biggest Manchester Solicitors. You can usually find him at the local library or browsing Forbes’ latest pieces.
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