5 Construction Safety Myths That Need To Be Debunked

Safety is a critical element of construction businesses as there are numerous safety risks involved in large projects. Since these projects involve bulky equipment and huge quantities of material, the labor is at a constant risk due to equipment faults and material mishandling.
However, things are not always as they appear as there are several safety myths that lead to wrong action. Let us debunk the biggest construction safety misconceptions for you.
Safety is totally achievable
The common myth is that you can achieve 100% safety with the right measures because you cannot. It is so because construction-related risks can be ignored or transferred but they cannot be fully evaded. Moreover, the industry faces several unrecognizable hazards that can be identified only once they occur.
Safety is an activity
Another misconception about construction safety is that it is an activity; rather, it is an outcome of the activity. It is something that comes as a return of the group of actions performed to minimize risks. The quality of work as well as workforce productivity greatly depends on the level of safety maintained for them at the site.
Auditing and site inspections deliver safety
If you thing that regular site audits and inspections would be enough to deliver safety, you are on the wrong track. They only help you identify the risks but you can reduce them only with the right actions and a proper policy in place. Several times, audits and inspections are conducted and their results are documented, but nothing is done to implement a policy that ensures safety.
Implementation of safety programs is enough
Another myth that misleads the construction industry is that the implementation of safety programs alone can resolve all the problems and cut down the risks. In fact, several construction firms have well-established programs and policies but still do not have a safe safety records. Being far-sighted is important in this regards as you need to anticipate the risks and resolve them before any lapse takes place.
Incentive programs improve the outcomes
If you think that putting an incentive program into action will resolve the safety-related problems of your business, you are sadly mistaken. Such programs may encourage the workforce to bring behavioral changes in themselves as well as enhance workforce productivity but these results are not long lasting.
If the same levels of performance and safety are to be achieved, the incentives have to be increased with the passage of time. In the long run, such programs become a wasteful expense for your business and also fail to yield the desired results.
Having a safety policy has multiple benefits that go much beyond just ensuring that the workforce is not exposed to any work-related risks. It also reduces wastage, minimizes worker turnover, enhances productivity and builds a close bond with the workforce.
Reputed construction firms such as ARCO Design Build pay attention to these myths and have a proper safety policy in place. You can visit http://arcodb.com to about the practices they follow to improve the levels of safety for their workforce.
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