3 Cornerstones of a Strategic Marketing Plan

Strategic marketing can be defined as a set of business processes that can be used to promote your company, increase the visibility of your brand and help you grow your business.
There are nine main steps necessary to develop a well thought out, strategically designed marketing strategy: conduct an assessment, analyze the market, identify your target market, determine a budget, create specific marketing plans, create a timeline for the plans, implement the plans and make sure that everyone understood what they were signing up for.
With all of this, it is important that the right people are involved in every step of the process. This way, everyone benefits, and the process is more effective overall.
To help you get started with your strategic marketing plans, you should conduct an internet marketing audit. This will give you insight into your current web content marketing efforts. It will also help you determine if there are areas that need improvement.
It is essential to review and audit your current internet marketing efforts before developing your new strategy. By performing an audit, you will have a better idea of how to utilize existing web content and develop a marketing plan that will improve the profitability of your online business.
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After conducting an internet audit, identify your company’s goals. Prioritize your company goals and identify the top five or ten goals that must be tackled in order to achieve those goals. You should have a clearly defined action plan with a timeline.
By determining your company goals, you will be able to design and execute specific marketing activities to reach those goals.
Next, you should identify your audience. This is an especially critical step in the development of your marketing process.
For example, if you are marketing to young mothers, you may not want to get into too much detail about the baby changing, etc. In other words, do not get too specific as you are not targeting your audience. In general, you should seek to identify your prospective customers based on age, gender, location, and a number of other factors.
The next step in developing your internet marketing strategies is to conduct market research. A good rule of thumb is to spend three to six hours of study and analysis on your products and/or services.
Conducting this research is imperative if you want to get accurate and comprehensive information on your target market. It will also allow you to get a better idea on how to reach out to your prospects.
Finally, the last step in the content marketing process is to build customer relationships. In short content marketers work on building relationships with their target audience. These relationships translate to increased sales, and more importantly, repeat sales. A content marketer’s ultimate goal is to make their customers feel that they have something valuable to offer.
These three strategies are the cornerstones of a sound internet marketing strategy. Of course, all these strategies are not created equally.
Each one is a bit different from the others. For example, let’s look at search engine optimization (SEO). There are those who believe that the way to get a lot of traffic to their websites is to get on the first page of search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN – this is called SEO.
The problem is that this strategy does not work well. First, it takes a long time. Second, it costs a lot of money to get onto the first page. Also, not everyone who is looking for what you have to offer is going to find you.
Lastly, when they do find you, most people who use SEO are doing so because they have already done some research and they know the answers to their questions. Thus, it is much more effective and faster to use content marketing to get your message across to your target audience.
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