What to look for before buying a VPN subscription

VPN usage sharply increases Internet navigation security. But free VPNs have limitations on speed, data volume, and security. For unlimited navigation and torrent downloading, we need Buy a VPN.
Why choose a paid VPN
There is no doubt that free VPNs are capable of meeting our basic needs for anonymous home navigation or in public places, where there are significant risks without using a VPN service.
At the same time, however, paid VPNs have significant advantages, at a very low cost.
Most free VPNs have limitations in terms of server selection. The servers that are open for free accounts are clearly fewer and loaded with hundreds of users at any one time.
This, in addition to lower speed, often leads to instability in the connection
With a paid service, we have access to hundreds or even thousands of servers, which we share with far fewer users. At the same time, we have the ability to connect to servers that are geographically closer to us.
Both of these factors contribute to having a more stable and faster VPN.
In addition, paid VPN is a privacy service for us. Unlike most free VPNs, paid services do not record our activity, and provide options for the strongest encryption possible.
If securing our data, along with the modern need for as high speeds as possible, is our immediate priority, then our investment in a subscription VPN is a one-way street.
What to look for before buying a VPN subscription
While we are definitely interested in the fastest VPN, there are several parameters that we need to check before we end up buying a subscription from a particular VPN provider.
The cost for a subscription is very low in most paid VPNs. So when we make sure that the particular VPN provider fully meets our needs, it is a good idea to invest in yearly subscription packages, thus achieving the smallest possible monthly payment, starting from only $2.
Usually the subscription can be paid by using a card, but if we want absolute anonymity and payment, we choose the service that offers cryptocurrency payments, such as Bitcoin.
Money Back Guarantee
The VPN provider, which is confident for its efficiency and respects its customers, explicitly states that it guarantees reimbursement and cancellation of the subscription within certain days. (Money Back Guarantee).
There are user reports on related VPN forums, which indicate that some VPNs cancel the subscription, but keep some amount, because – as they claim – during the trial period there was a lot of data traffic by the user, such as downloading torrent etc.
It is good before the purchase to ask the VPN provider if in case of cancellation, there is an extra charge for the traffic we made.
How many concurrent connections are allowed
At first reading, one link seems enough. But what if we want the VPN we pay for, to have it on mobile devices or for family members to have it on their own devices?
We need to be careful here because in order to cover all these devices, we will need multiple connections at once, and we need to make sure that the provider we selected for the fastest VPN can offer it to us.
Compatibility with operating systems
The fastest VPN is ideal when it works not only on our PC, but also on the tablet and smartphone, devices that are part of our daily lives, where many transactions and communication are made through them.
How many servers do they have and where
In this case, we should be able to choose with multiple countries and multiple servers. Nothing less than that can be accepted. The more, the better.
It is important to check that the VPN provider has servers in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom and in locations from which we wish to see content that it is locked in your country of residence.
No limits and restrictions
It would at least be absurd and provocative for the paid VPN we’re looking for to have fine print that we don’t usually read, indicating limits on traffic. It is necessary to choose a fast VPN from a provider that offers unlimited data traffic.
Which protocols support
A good VPN uses the most secure protocols, with OpenVPN being the best. But it may also give us PPTP as the default, which is fast, but it is outdated and the least secure.
Enemy of good is the best. The most reliable VPN service will not default to PPTP, considering that it is not the appropriate protocol for its subscription services, for safer and faster VPN.
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